167 books • 43 series
The Shield Maidens
Priestess of the Stone Circle
The Empire of the Moon
Astarte the Great Queen
Eaters of the Lotus
The Maiden of the Sun
The Chariots of Galbu
Nightmares and Night Terrors Two
The Oracle of the Coast (The Astarte Fantasy Erotica, #34) (The Helm of Bronze)
The Favorite of Her Majesty (The Lovers of the Queen)
The Rainbow Bridge (Varangian Histories)
Our Lady of Silk
Wise Women
We Who Are About to Die
Queen of Night
Concubine of Siam
Priestess of the Moon
Children of the Dawn
Did Feast the Pack
From When and Where
Karon Beach
Mirage and Selected Poems
Myth of the Eternal Return