145 books • 5 series
A Hermit of Carmel
Lucifer; A Theological Tragedy
The Life of Reason, Volumes I to III
The Life of Reason, Volumes IV and V
A Hermit of Carmel, and Other Poems
The Sense of Beauty (Being the Outlines of Aesthetic Theory)
Interpretations of Poetry and Religion
The Essential Santayana
Soliloquies in England and Later Soliloquies
Essential Santayana, The: Selected Writings
The Life of Reason, Volume IV
The Life of Reason, Volume II
The Life of Reason, Volume I
The Life of Reason, Volume V
The Life of Reason, Volume III
The Life Of Reason Or The Phases Of Human Progress
Some Turns of Thought in Modern Philosophy
The Letters of George Santayana, Book Eight, 1948 1952: The Works of George Santayana, Volume V
Winds of Doctrine (Dodo Press)
The Life of Reason (Part II) (Dodo Press)
The Life of Reason (Part I) (Dodo Press)
Letters of George Santayana
La Filosofia En America