Dr. R. I. (Bob) Tricker served on the Councils of the Institutes of Chartered Accountants and Chartered Management Accountants. After a few years as a financial controller in industry, and study at Harvard and Oxford Universities, he became professor of information systems at Warwick University, then Director of the Oxford Centre for Management Studies (now the Säid Business School, Oxford) and a Research Fellow of Nuffield College, Oxford, where his research led to the first book with the title Corporate Governance (1984). He was then appointed Hong Kong University Business School's Professor of Finance.
His first corporate governance book was The Independent Director(1978). Subsequently, he wrote International Corporate Governance - text, cases and readings (1994), and edited Corporate Governance(2000) for the Ashcroft History of Management Thought. He was founder-editor of Corporate Governance - an international review. His latest books are Directors - an A-Z of corporate governance, the fifth edition of the Economist Pocket Director and Corporate Governance - principles, policies and practices, Oxford University Press, 2009.
He holds Honorary Professorships of three universities, has been involved in corporate governance developments in Hong Kong, China, and Russia, and consults, teaches and writes on corporate governance around the world.