60 books • 18 series
The Janitor
Hired Man
Max, the blind guy
The Demon Catchers of Milan
What Beauty
The Village Wit
Servicediversifikation in Industrieunternehmen (Strategisches Kompetenz-Management)
Temperance and Prohibition (Progressive Movement 1900-1920: Efforts to Reform America's New Industrial Society) (Primary Sources of the Progressive Movement)
Crisis in Space: Apollo 13 (High Interest Books: Survivor )
Homeland Security and Weapons of Mass Destruction (Library of Weapons of Mass Destruction)
Nuclear Weapons and the Cold War (Library of Weapons of Mass Destruction)
Trenes del Pasado (Trains of the Past)
Barcos del Pasado (Boats of the Past)
Bicicletas del Pasado (Bicycles of the Past)
Autos del Pasado (Cars of the Past)
Aviones del Pasado (Planes of the Past)
Motocicletas del Pasado (Motorcycles of the Past)
Motocicletas del Pasado (Motorcycles of the Past) (Transporte Ayer y Hoy)
Autos del Pasado (Cars of the Past) (Transporte Ayer y Hoy)
Barcos del Pasado (Boats of the Past) (Transporte Ayer y Hoy)
Bicicletas del Pasado (Bicycles of the Past) (Transporte Ayer y Hoy)
Trenes del Pasado (Trains of the Past) (Transporte Ayer y Hoy)
Aviones del Pasado (Planes of the Past) (Transporte Ayer y Hoy)