27 books • 5 series
The New Way Series
King Chubb and the Dragon (Playreaders S.)
Check up English Language
Round the World Folk Tales
Our Post Office
Intermediate Check Up Tests (Check up tests)
Awareness - Cassette
First Check Up Tests
Gormless Tom (Round the World Folk Tales S.)
Auta the Giant Killer (Round the World Folk Tales S.)
The Wise Judge (Round the World Folk Tales S.)
Uncle Bouki and the Horse (Round the World Folk Tales S.)
Mr. Wolf and His Tail (Round the World Folk Tales S.)
Maui, Stealer of Fire (Round the World Folk Tales S.)
Smoking Star (Round the World Folk Tales S.)
The Antelope and the Turtle (Round the World Folk Tales S.)
The Legend of the Frogs (Round the World Folk Tales S.)
Grandfather Frost (Round the World Folk Tales S.)
Brer Anansi's Second Bite (Round the World Folk Tales S.)
The Tiger and the Rabbit (Round the World Folk Tales S.)
Check Up Tests (Check up tests)
Tiger Tim
Awareness (Ways of knowing)
The Pretenders (Nippers S.)