Phyllis Green is a graduate of Westminster College (New Wilmington, PA) and the University of Pittsburgh. She studied Creative Writing with Lawrence Hart at the College of Marin. A Pushcart prize nominee, Micro Award nominee, and Best of Storyacious 2013, Phyllis Green's stories have been published in Epiphany, Prick of the Spindle, Poydras Review, Bluestem, The Sheepshead Review, The McNeese Review, The Chaffin Journal, Paper Darts, apt, ShatterColors, The Cossack Review, Rougarou, The Examined Life, Hospital Drive, Orion Headless, Dark Matter, Gravel, Goreyesque, and a drama in Mason's Road; upcoming stories in Rose Red Review, Serving House Journal, EDGE, New Plains Review, WhiskeyPaper, Owen Wister Review, Wicked Words Quarterly, and a novelette at ELJ Publications.