17 books • 7 series
Technologies of the New Real (Digital Futures)
Exits to the Posthuman Future
Body Drift (Posthumanities)
Body Drift: Butler, Hayles, Haraway
Critical Digital Studies
The Will to Technology and the Culture of Nihilism (Digital Futures)
Hacking the Future (Culturetexts)
Data Trash (Culture Texts)
Jean Baudrillard (Harvester Wheatsheaf Modern Cultural Theorists S.)
Ideology and Power in the Age of Lenin in Ruins (Culture Texts S.)
The Possessed Individual (Culture Texts) (Culturetexts)
Panic Encyclopaedia (Culture Texts)
Panic Encyclopedia (Culture Texts, #1)
Body Invaders (Culture Texts)
The Postmodern Scene (Culture Texts)
Technology and the Canadian Mind (Making of the 20th Century (Hardcover))