262 books • 41 series
Summer of Shame (Passages) (Passages (Perfection Learning))
Bridge to the Moon (Passages)
Nobody Lives in Apartment N-2 (Take Ten Books: Mystery) (Take Ten Books)
Swamp Furies (Take Ten Books) (Take Ten Books: Adventure)
Shadow Man (Passages)
The Darkest Secret (Passages)
The Whispering Shell (Silverleaf Novel)
The Vampire Bat Girls' Club (Silverleaf Novel)
Mister Fudge and Missy Moran (Silverleaf Novel)
The Witch of Banneker School (Silverleaf Novel)
El Zorrero and Son (Silverleaf Novel)
Web of the Spider (Silverleaf Novel)
Alien Spring (Passages)
Don't Blame the Children (Passages) (Passages (Perfection Learning))
Vandal (Passages) (Passages (Perfection Learning))
Sparrow's Treasure (Passages)
Maitland's Kid (Passages)
Please Don't Ask Me to Love You (Passages Contemporary) (Passages)
A Song to Sing (Passages)
The Sorceress and the Book of Spells
The Haunting of Hawthorne (Passages)
The Ghost Boy (Passages)