47 books • 9 series
A Floresta Tropícal Se Espalhou Por Toda Parte (the Rainforest Grew All Around in Portuguese)
Spy Tech: Digital Dangers (Secret World of Spies (Paperback)) (Secret World of Spies (Library))
The Secret World of Spy Agencies (Secret World of Spies (Paperback)) (Secret World of Spies (Library))
Spies, Double Agents, and Traitors (Secret World of Spies (Paperback)) (Secret World of Spies (Library))
Spy Gizmos and Gadgets (Secret World of Spies (Paperback)) (Secret World of Spies (Library))
Spies and Lies: Famous and Infamous Spies (Secret World of Spies (Paperback)) (Secret World of Spies (Library))