169 books • 25 series
Voyage to Morticas
Trial By Dragons
Dragonfall Mountain
The Burning Sea
Lucy: The Boss (Legends in Their Own Lunchbox)
Lucy and the Red Street Boyz (Legends in Their Own Lunchbox)
Lucy in a Jam (Legends in Their Own Lunchbox)
Lucy: Kung-Fu Queen (Legends in Their Own Lunchbox)
Hell's Gates
Edgar Allan Poe (Icons)
Discovering Tutankhamun
Now as Then: Mesopotamia~Iraq
The Beckoning
The Only Game in the Galaxy
Trust Me Too
By Tram From Dudley
The Birth of the West
Duel With The Devil
Birth of the West, The: Rome, Germany, France, and the Creation of Europe in the Tenth Century
Dyson's Drop
Vampires of Quentaris
The Kinver Light Railway
The Spell of Undoing
Mole Hunt (Maximus Black Files, #1)