39 books
The Children of the Cold
Exploring the Great Yukon
Vitus Bering
Vitus Bering the Discover of Bering Strait
Report of a Military Reconnaissance in Alaska, Made in 1883
In the land of cave and cliffdwellers
Along Alaska's Great River
Exploring the Great Yukon. an Adventurous Expedition Down the Great Yukon River, from Its Source in the British North-West Territory, to Its
Along Alaska's Great River, Account of the Travels of the Alaska Exploring Expedition of 1883
A Summer in Alaska, a Popular Account of the Travels of an Alaska Exploring Expedition Along the Great Yukon River, from Its Source to Its
A Summer in Alaska, a Popular Account of the Travels of an Alaska Exploring Expedition Along the GRE
The Search for Franklin
In the Land of Cave and Cliff Dwellers
In the Land of Cave and Cliff Dwellers (1893)
Among the Apaches