535 books
Annual World Bank Conference on Development in Latin America and the Caribbean. 1998
The World Bank Research Program 1999
Cultivating Peace
Evaluating the Impact of Training and Institutional Development Programs
Enhancing the Role of Government in the Pacific Island Economies
Doing Better Business Through Effective Public Consultation and Disclosure
World Development Report 1998-1999
Public Expenditure Management Handbook
Financial Vulnerability, Spillover Effects and Contagion
The World Bank's Experience with Post-Conflict Reconstruction
Social Funds and Reaching the Poor
Lithuania: An Opportunity for Economic Success: Volume 1: Main Report
Toward the Rural-Based Development of Commerce and Industry
African Art
Choices in Financing Health Care and Old Age Security
Subsidies in World Fisheries
Sustainable Health Care Financing in Southern Africa
Commercial Management and Financing of Roads
Environmental Action Programme for Central and Eastern Europe
Environmental Management and Institutions in OECD Countries