17 books • 6 series
Time Kings of Las Vegas
Chaos Unleashed (Chaos Born, #3)
A Minor Malevolent Spirit and Other Tales
The Scorched Earth (Chaos Born, #2)
Children of Fire (Chaos Born, #1)
Darth Bane (Star Wars: Darth Bane, Books 1-3)
Annihilation (Star Wars Legends: The Old Republic, #4)
Revan (Star Wars Legends: The Old Republic, #3)
Retribution (Mass Effect, #3)
Dynasty of Evil (Star Wars: Darth Bane, #3)
Mass Effect (Mass Effect, Books 1-4)
Ascension (Mass Effect, #2)
Rule of Two (Star Wars: Darth Bane, #2)
Mass Effect: Revelation (Mass Effect, #1)
Path of Destruction (Star Wars: Darth Bane, #1)
Temple Hill (Forgotten Realms S.: The Cities)
Baldur's Gate II (Forgotten Realms: Baldur's Gate)