86 books • 2 series
The Microscope and it's Revelations
Mesmerism, Spiritualism,
On the Use and Abuse of Alcoholic Liquors, in Health and Disease, by William B. Carpenter
Zoology (Volume 2); Being a Systematic Account of the General Structure, Habits, Instincts, and Uses of the Principal Families of the Animal
Zoology (Volume 1); Being a Systematic Account of the General Structure, Habits, Instincts, and Uses of the Principal Families of the Animal
Tessera Romana, Authoritatis Pontificiae, Adversus Buccinam Thomae Angli, & Classicum Heterodoxorum
The Physiology of Temperance & Total Abstinence
On the Use and Abuse of Alcoholic Liquors
Principles of Mental Physiology (Cambridge Library Collection - History of Medicine)
A Manual of Physiology
Popular Cyclop Dia of Natural Science
On the Use and Abuse of Alcoholic Liquors, in Health and Disease
Animal Physiology (1859)