52 books • 9 series
The Prince's Thorn
Secret of the Glen
Frogspawn and Floor Polish (Reminiscence)
Homecoming Heart
Frog Spawn and Floor Polish
A Man Called Mike
Wounded Falcon (Camden S.)
Elusive Victory
Shadow on Lake LP
Sweeter Than Wine
Return to Love (Linford Romance)
Spring Fever (Ulverscroft Large Print)
The Clouded Land (Ulverscroft Large Print)
Dry Rot and Daffodils (Ulverscroft Large Print)
Child of Secrets
Sandringham Rose
Cobwebs and Cream Teas (Ulverscroft General)
People of the Horse
Last Warrior Queen
Nightflower (Linford Romance)
Season of Mists (Linford Romance)
Counterfeit Love (Linford Romance)
Dark Ruby