My name is James, I'm from Sydney, Australia. I have always loved writing. Be it song lyrics, rhymes, jokes, comedy sketches or short stories. I am constantly jotting ideas for the next thing. I discovered my love of writing children's books around 2016. Since then I'm constantly finding new ideas to turn into yet another story to add to my ever growing list of works in progress.My stories tend speak to an aspect of emotional resilience. Themes of perseverance, tenacity, self respect, and the power of applying yourself are evident in my messaging.Although I create stories for children, I write with adults in mind. They are more often than not, the ones reading the book to their child. It is my hope they enjoy reading this to their kids and discussing the imagery and the important, overarching message of the book. I have a knack for teaching something valuable without making it feel like you were made to learn and I find great joy from that.It is my intention to keep writing books, that teach kids important lessons in emotional resilience. It is my hope that parents will take away the lesson as well and see how to help reinforce that messaging throughout their child's life. I thank everyone who takes the time to read my books. I hope to keep bringing you stories worth reading and lessons worth learning for many years to come.
Nov 1, 2023
Cover of I'm Glad I'm Me

I'm Glad I'm Me

Dec 17, 2019
Cover of Shirley MacLaine

Shirley MacLaine

Apr 12, 2017
Cover of Willie Waugh

Willie Waugh