Nello Cristianini has been an influential researcher in the field of machine learning and AI for over twenty years. He is professor of artificial intelligence at the University of Bath; before that, he worked at the University of Bristol, the University of California (Davis), the University of London (Royal Holloway). For his work in machine learning, he has been a past recipient of the Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award and of the ERC Advanced Grant. Cristianini has been a coauthor of influential books in machine learning, as well as dozens of academic articles, published in journals that range from AI to the philosophy of science, from the digital humanities to natural language processing, and from sociology to biology. In 2017, he delivered the annual STOA lecture at the European Parliament on the topic of the social impact of AI, a theme that he is still actively investigating. Cristianini has a degree in physics from the University of Trieste, an MSc in computational intelligence from the University of London, and a PhD from the University of Bristol.