46 books • 1 series
The Straw-Man Book Two
The Adventures of Lazarus Gray Volume Fourteen
The Straw-Man Book One
The Chronicles of Lilith
The Adventures of Lazarus Gray Volume Thirteen
The Adventures of Lazarus Gray Volume Twelve
The Adventures of Lazarus Gray Volume Eleven
Worlds Apart
Mystery Men (& Women) Volume One
The Adventures of Lazarus Gray Volume Ten
The Adventures of Lazarus Gray Volume Nine
The Adventures of Lazarus Gray Volume Eight
The Second Book of Babylon
The Adventures of Gravedigger Volume Three
The Adventures of Lazarus Gray Volume Seven
Captain Action
The Adventures of Lazarus Gray Volume Six
The New Adventures of Ki-Gor-The Devil's Domain
The Peregrine Omnibus Volume Two
The Peregrine Omnibus Volume One
The Adventures of Lazarus Gray Volume Five
The Adventures of Gravedigger Volume Two