227 books • 38 series
John King is cofounder and senior partner of CultureSync. He has trained and coached more than 25,000 people over the last 20 years.
Drama King II
The Seal Club
Broken Bones
Challenged: Living Our Faith in a Post Modern Age
4 x 4
Understanding God: The Problem With Grace
The Dream: A Retired Pastor Reflects on The Perfect Ministry
The Crusade For the Souls of Men: The Gospel Story: When God Walked Among Us
Poems & Things
Talking to God: How I Found Peace
The Beatitudes: Believer Happiness in a Postmodern Age
The Day After Time: God Put The 'More' in Forever
Guy Psycho and the Ziggurat of Shame (Guy Psycho, #1)
Urological Dictionary: Containing an Explanation of Numerous Technical Terms; The Qualitative and Quantitative Methods Employed in Urinary Investigations (Classic Reprint)
Memories of the Future
Letters from France (Classic Reprint)
Slaughterhouse Prayer
The American Dispensatory (Classic Reprint)
The American Eclectic Dispensatory (Classic Reprint)
Nice People
Sprays, Leaflets and Blossoms (Classic Reprint)
Passive Income How To Guide The Simple System To Make Money Online Within 30 Days
Gilbert Szlumper and Leo Amery of the Southern Railway