Michele E. Gwynn is an Amazon Bestselling Multigenre Author (Amazon Bestsellers Lists for: Once Upon a Midnight, Oct, 2016 Amazon US; The Winter Wishes Collection, March & April 2017 Amazon UK) of Crime/Detective books, Sci-Fi/Horror books, and Paranormal/Supernatural romance books. An unapologetic news junkie, Gwynn began her writing career as a local stringer for newspaper in her hometown of San Antonio, Texas, graduating to an online contributor for digital magazines and content websites such as Examiner.com, Fashionerotica, AlwayzTherro.com, MySA.com, and more. She conducted research pieces for animal rights, advice articles for relationships, and celebrity interviews for entertainment along with informational news pieces about local businesses, education, and editorials with American ambassadors and community leaders. Still, her love of writing a good story could not be denied and an unusual sighting in January of 1995 led to her first book, Harvest, a science fiction novella. Three series and several stand-alones later, she is still writing.