124 books • 16 series
Shackleton's Stowaway (Reading Champion)
Wedding in Delhi (Reading Champion)
Shy Stan
Rush! And Tap, Tap, Tap!
Nell's Spells and Zip! Zap!
Pen Pals (Reading Champion)
The Magic Music Box
The Coach, the Shoes and the Football
Reading Planet - The Pot of Oats - Yellow: Rocket Phonics (Rising Stars Reading Planet)
Reading Planet - The Nightingale - Green: Rocket Phonics (Rising Stars Reading Planet)
Scary Scott
Dog in a Dress & Run, Tom, Run! (Early Bird Readers -- Red (Early Bird Stories (Tm))) (Early Bird Readers - Red)
The Prince and the Pea (Reading Champion)
Shooting Star
Reading Planet - Rumpelstiltskin - Green: Galaxy (Rising Stars Reading Planet)
Keep Off the Grass (Reading Champion)
I Don't Care Said Big Bear (Blue Band)
Little Scarlet's Big Fibs (Blue Band)
Save the library! (Reading Champion)
Anansi and the Box of Stories (Reading Champion)
Reading Planet - Sad Tig - Pink A: Rocket Phonics (Rising Stars Reading Planet)
Reading Planet - Hot Dogs - Pink B: Rocket Phonics (Rising Stars Reading Planet)
Who Will be King? (Reading Champion)
The Missing Necklace (Reading Champion)