Archibald Forbes was born in Morayshire, Scotland, the son of a Presbyterian minister. He was educated at the University of Aberdeen. After graduating, he joined the Royal Dragoons. He was invalided from his regiment, moved to London, and became a journalist. In 1870 when the Franco-Prussian War began, he went to the front as war correspondent observing the German army. He published his experiences under the title *My Experiences of the War Between France and Germany*. He went on to report on the second Carlist War from Spain, the Bengal famine of 1873–74, the Prince of Wales' tour of India in 1875-76, the Serbian campaign in 1876, the Russo-Turkish campaign in 1877, the British occupation of Cyprus in 1878, the Khyber Pass force to Jalalabad, the disaster at Isanlwana in South Africa in 1879, among other stories. After retiring from journalism, he gave lectures about his experiences and continue to write and publish books about his experiences.
Feb 1, 2012
Cover of Drawn from Life

Drawn from Life

Aug 17, 2011
Cover of Colin Campbell

Colin Campbell