680 books • 127 series
Charlotte Guillain taught English to air traffic controllers and nurses before deciding a career in publishing would endanger fewer lives. Charlotte is a prolific author of children’s fiction, non-fiction and picture books.
The Forest That Grows Around Me (Look Closer)
What Would You Say to an Astronaut?
Tell Your Own Fairy Tale
Dy Stori Di Yw Hon / Tell Your Own Story
An Invitation to the Botanical Gardens
An Invitation to the Botanic Gardens
What Would You Say to a Dinosaur?
Tell Your Own Story
6 Silly Dinosaurs
5 Funny Animals
What the Macaw Saw
An Invitation to the Ballet Theatre
I'm Thinking of an Ocean Animal (I'm Thinking of)
The Sea Below My Toes (Look Closer)
Reading Planet: Astro - Year 6 at Greenwicks: Sara's Story - Supernova/Earth
Reading Planet: Astro - Year 6 at Greenwicks: Femi's Story - Saturn/Venus
Reading Planet: Astro - Year 6 at Greenwicks: Carter's Story - Mars/Stars
Reading Planet: Astro - Year 6 at Greenwicks: Lexi's Story - Jupiter/Mercury
What the Elephant Heard
My Big Fantastic Family
Deadly Reptiles (Deadly Creatures)
Small and Deadly Animals (Deadly Creatures)
Deadly Mammals (Deadly Creatures)