100 books • 40 series
Byron's Letters and Journals
The Liberal: Verse and Prose from the South, Nos 1-4, London 1822-3
Byron's Poetry
Selected Poems and Letters (The Gotham Library)
Letters and Journals
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage and Other Romantic Poems (Everyman's University Library)
Poems, Prose and Letters
A Choice of Verse
Selected Prose
The Prisoner of Chillon (Revolution & Romanticism S., 1789-1834)
Don Juan (The English poets, #10) (English Texts S.) (Annotated Student Texts) (Revolution & Romanticism S., 1789-1834) (Phoenix 60p paperbacks - the literature of passion) (Riverside editions)
Selected Poetry and Prose
Selections from Poetry and Prose (Queen's Classics)
Poems and Prose (Classics)
Vision of Judgement
Selections from Poetry, Letters and Journal
Poetical Works (Oxford Standard Authors) (Oxford Paperbacks) (Cambridge Editions)