145 books
Historical Sketches of Statesmen Who Flourished in the Time of George III (Volume 2)
A Discourse of the Objects, Advantages, and Pleasures of Science
Works of Henry Lord Brougham (Volume 9)
The British Constitution; Its History, Structure, and Working
Dissertations on Subjects of Science Connected with Natural Theology (Volume 2)
Brougham and His Early Friends (Volume 3); Letters to James Loch, 1798-1809
Speeches of Henry Lord Brougham, Upon Questions Relating to Public Rights, Duties, and Interests (Volume 4); With Historical Introductions, and a Critical Dissertation Upon the Eloquence of the Ancients
Albert Lunel (Volume 3 ); Or, the Chateau of Languedoc
An Inquiry Into the Colonial Policy of the European Powers
Works of Henry Lord Brougham (Volume 11); The British Constitution
The Critical and Miscellaneous Writings of Henry Lord Brougham; To Which Is Prefixed a Sketch of His Character
Forman (Volume 3); A Tale
The Lord Chancellor's Speech on Parliamentary Reform; In the House of Lords, Friday, October 7, 1831
Albert Lunel (Volume 1); Or, the Chacentsteau of Languedoc
An Inquiry Into the State of the Nation
Political Philosophy (Volume 3); Of Democracy. Mixed Monarchy
Historical Sketches of Statesmen Who Flourished in the Time of George III. (Volume 4)
Speeches of Henry Lord Brougham, Upon Questions Relating to Public Rights, Duties, and Interests (Volume 2); With Historical Introductions
Historical Sketches of Statesmen Who Flourished in the Time of George III
Inaugural Discourse of Henry Brougham, Esq., M.P., on Being Installed Lord Rector of the University of Glasgow, Wedesday, April 6, 1825
A Discourse of Natural Theology
Natural Theology (Volume 6); Comprising a Discourse of Natural Theology, Dialogues on Instinct, and Dissertations on the Structure of the Cells of Bees and on Fossil Osteology
Letter to the Queen on the State of the Monarchy
Lives of Philosophers of the Time of George III