95 books • 37 series
Stitch Up (City Limits S., #1)
The Scam, The (City Limits S., #2)
Clipper Street Pack (Clipper Street S.)
Framed (City Limits S., #3)
Mean Street (City Limits S.)
Flash (Pet Pals S.)
A Present for Paul
A Present for Peter
The City Limits (Black Apples S., #1)
Roller Madonnas (Graffix)
Justin and the Demon Drop-kick (Kites S.)
I Forgot Said Troy (Picture Puffin S.) (Viking Kestrel picture books)
Johnnie's Blitz
I'm Trying to Tell You & Dinner Ladies Don't Count
Dockside School Stories
Three Seven Eleven
More Dockside School Stories
Seeing Off Uncle Jack
Country Boy
The Ghost of Dockside School (Redwing Books)
Caretaker's Cat (Redwing Books)
Boat Girl (Redwing Books)