36 books • 10 series
OCR A Level History: The American Revolution 1740-1796 and The USA in the 19th Century 1803-1890
OCR A Level History: The Cold War in Asia 1945-1993 and the Cold War in Europe 1941-1995
OCR A-level History Coursework Workbook: Unit Y100 Non exam assessment: Topic based essay
My Revision Notes: OCR A-level History: Rebellion and Disorder under the Tudors 1485-1603
My Revision Notes: OCR AS/A-level History: Democracy and Dictatorships in Germany 1919-63
History for the Ib Diploma Paper 3 the Great Depression and the Americas (Mid-1920s 1939) Digital Edition (Ib Diploma)
History for the Ib Diploma Paper 3 Political Developments in the United States (1945 1980) and Canada (1945 1982) Digital Edition (IB Diploma)
Access to History: Civil Rights in the USA 1865-1992 for OCR Second Edition (Access to History)