28 books
Aventures d'une colonie d'émigrants en Amérique
Kaksi Pakolaista; Austraalialainen Kertomus
Kaksi pakolaista
A Sailor's Adventures
Narrative of a Journey Round the World; Comprising a Winter-Passage Across the Andes to Chili with a Visit to the Gold Regions of California and Australia, the South Sea Islands, Java, & C
The Young Gold-Digger; Or, a Boy's Adventures in the Gold Regions
Narrative of a Journey Round the World Volume 1853, PT. 1; Comprising a Winter-Passage Across the Andes to Chili with a Visit to the Gold Regions of California and Australia, the South Sea Islands, Java, & C
Each for Himself; Or, the Two Adventurers
Hell Und Dunkel, Erster Band, 1859
Der Erbe (1); Roman
Narrative of a Journey Round the World (Volume 3); Comprising a Winter-Passage Across the Andes to Chili, with a Visit to the Gold Regions of California and Australia, the South Sea Islands, Java, &C
Western Lands and Western Waters Volume 3
Reisen Von Friedrich Gerstaecker
Gerstacker's Travels. Rio de Janeiro - Buenos Ayres - Ride Through the Pampas - Winter Journey Across the Cordilleras - Chili -Valparaiso -
Reisen Von Friedrich Gerstaeker, Fuenfter Band
Streif- Und Jagdzuge Durch Die Vereinigten Staaten Nord-Amerikas, Erster Band
The Two Convicts
The Wanderings and Fortunes of Some German Emigrants
Herrn Mahlhuber's Reiseabenteuer (Dodo Press)