105 books • 23 series
Paul Bunyan Y El Buey Azul (Paul Bunyan and the Big Blue Ox) (Leyendas E Historias Estadounidenses (American Legends and Folktales))
Hiawatha Y La Gran Paz (Hiawatha and the Great Peace) (Leyendas E Historias Estadounidenses (American Legends and Folktales))
Historical Sources on Women's Rights (America's Story)
Paul Bunyan and the Big Blue Ox (American Legends and Folktales)
John Henry and the Steel-Driving Man (American Legends and Folktales)
Brer Rabbit and the Number-Nine Shoe (American Legends and Folktales)
American Legends and Folktales (Group 1) (American Legends and Folktales)
A Day in an Ecosystem (Group 1) (Day in an Ecosystem)
Juan Bobo and the Bag of Gold (American Legends and Folktales)
Pecos Bill and Slue-Foot Sue (American Legends and Folktales)
24 Hours in a Pond (Day in an Ecosystem)
John Henry the Steel-Driving Man (American Legends and Folktales)
Brer Rabbit and the Number-Nine Shoes (American Legends and Folktales)
24 Hours on a Coral Reef (Day in an Ecosystem)
24 Hours in the Desert (Day in an Ecosystem)
Hiawatha and the Great Peace (American Legends and Folktales)
24 Hours in a Tropical Rain Forest (Day in an Ecosystem)
24 Hours in the Wetlands (Day in an Ecosystem)
24 Hours on the Tundra (Day in an Ecosystem)
Myths of the World (Group 3)
The Ancient Maya (Myths of the World)
The Ancient Persians (Myths of the World)
The Countryside (Life in Victorian England, #1)