384 books • 89 series
Sally Hewitt is an experienced teacher who writes and edits books for children on a wide variety of subjects, including science, math, and music.
Your Brain (Science in Action: The Human Body)
Your Digestive System (Science in Action: The Human Body)
Your Heart & Lungs (Science in Action: The Human Body)
Looking After Me: Going to the Dentist
Let's Find Out: Tadpole to Frog (Let's Find Out (Readers))
Hands on! Art Projects
Project Geography: Maps (Project Geography)
Project Geography: Weather (Project Geography)
Project History: The Romans (Project History)
Project History: The Greeks (Project History)
Project History: The Vikings (Project History)
Project History: The Egyptians (Project History)
Materials (Project Science)
Project Geography: Rivers (Project Geography)
Transport (Project Geography)
Project Science: Electricity (Project Science)
The Sea (Project Geography)
Plants (Project Science)
What Can I See? (My Super Senses)
What Can I Smell? (My Super Senses)
What Can I Taste? (My Super Senses)
What Can I Feel? (My Super Senses)
What Can I Hear? (My Super Senses)
Studyguide for Conceptual Physics by Hewitt, ISBN 9780321052025