64 books • 21 series
Teens and Drinking (Teen Choices)
Bulimia (Health at Risk) (21st Century Skills Library: Health at Risk)
Anorexia (21st Century Skills Library: Health at Risk) (Health at Risk)
Great Women Comedians (History Makers)
Gambling (Lucent overview)
Teen Fathers (The other America)
Teen Alcoholics (The other America)
Teen Parenting (Overview)
The Suez Canal
Teen Runaways (The other America)
Tuberculosis (Great medical discoveries)
Guns and Violence (Understanding issues)
Divorce (Understanding issues)
Death (Understanding issues)
Teen Addicts (The other America)
Microscopes (KidHaven science library)
Elizabethan England (Lucent Library of Historical Eras)
Militias (Lucent overview)
Lyme Disease (Diseases & disorders)
Drugs (Understanding issues)
America under Attack: September 11, 2001 (Lucent terrorism library)
Smoking (Understanding issues)
Teen Dropouts (The other America)
Racism (Understanding issues)