1,258 books • 152 series
Rotten School #16: Dumb Clucks (Rotten School, #16) (Rotten School (eBook), #16) (Rotten School (Library), #16)
Calling All Birdbrains (Rotten School, #15) (Rotten School (Library), #15) (Rotten School (eBook), #15)
Rotten School #14: Night of the Creepy Things (Rotten School, #14) (Rotten School (eBook), #14) (Rotten School (Library), #14)
Rotten School #13: Got Cake? (Rotten School, #13) (Rotten School (eBook), #13) (Rotten School (Library), #13)
Battle of the Dum Diddys (Rotten School, #12) (Rotten School (Library), #12) (Rotten School (eBook), #12)
Rotten School #11: Punk'd and Skunked (Rotten School, #11) (Rotten School (eBook), #11) (Rotten School (Library), #11)
Rotten School #10: The Rottenest Angel (Rotten School, #10) (Rotten School (eBook), #10) (Rotten School (Library), #10)
Rotten School #9: Party Poopers (Rotten School, #9) (Rotten School (eBook), #9) (Rotten School (Library), #9)