20 books
In Brightest Asia (Classic Reprint)
The Unshaken Kingdom (Classic Reprint)
The Solving of the World-Riddle, or the Rational Grounds of Theism
The Unshaken Kingdom
Under the Redeeming Aegis
How Does the Death of Christ Save Us?
From Romance to Reality; The Merging of a Life in a World Movement, an Autobiography
The Divine Reason of the Cross; A Study of the Atonement as the Rationale of Our Universe
Henry Clay Mabie: Selected Articles and Messages
From Romance to Reality, the Merging of a Life in a World Movement
In Brightest Asia
The Task Worth While
The Task Worth While; Or, the Divine Philosophy of Missions; Seminary Lectures
Under the Redeeming Aegis; An Exposition of the Evangelical Principle
How Does the Death of Christ Save Us?; Or, the Ethical Energy of the Cross
From Romance to Reality
Method in Soul-Winning on Home and Foreign Fields
Soo Thah
The Divine Right of Missions
Method in Soul-Winning