517 books • 5 series
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (Crs Reports)
International Law and Agreements (Crs Reports)
Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies (Crs Reports)
Tax Deductions for Individuals (Crs Reports)
Congressional Gold Medals, 1776-2014 (Crs Reports)
House Committee on Ethics (Crs Reports)
U.S. Farm Income Outlook for 2015 (Crs Reports)
U.S.-Mexico Economic Relations (Crs Reports)
Unaccompanied Children from Central America (Crs Reports)
Congressional Member Organizations (Crs Reports)
The Palestinians (Crs Reports)
Public Trust and Law Enforcement-A Brief Discussion for Policy Makers (Crs Reports)
Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS)/Frigate Program (Crs Reports)
Peace Talks in Colombia (Crs Reports)
Legal Services Corporation (Crs Reports)
Conventional Prompt Global Strike and Long-Range Ballistic Missiles (Crs Reports) (Crs Reports) (Crs Reports) (Crs Reports)
The Presidential Libraries Act and the Establishment of Presidential Libraries (Crs Reports)
Evaluating the "Past Performance" of Federal Contractors (Crs Reports)
Discretionary Budget Authority by Subfunction (Crs Reports) (Crs Reports) (Crs Reports)
Congressional Roll Call Votes on the Keystone XL Pipeline (Crs Reports)
A Guide to Describing the Income Distribution (Crs Reports)
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (Crs Reports)
The New START Treaty (Crs Reports) (Crs Reports) (Crs Reports)
The Target and Other Financial Data Breaches (Crs Reports)