94 books • 19 series
Callisto Volume 1
Time War
The City Outside the World (Lin Carter Discovery)
The Quest of Kadji (Chronicles of Kylix, #1)
The Black Star (Lin Carter Discovery)
The Nemesis of Evil (Zarkon, Lord of the Unknown, #1)
Invisible Death (Zarkon, Lord of the Unknown)
The Xothic Legend Cycle (Cthulhu cycle book, No 13)
Conan of Cimmeria (Conan, #2)
The Conan Chronicles (The Conan chronicles)
Callipygia (Furthur Adventures in Terra Magica, #4)
Carter Lin : Callipygia (Daw science fiction)
Mandricardo (Furthur Adventures in Terra Magica, #3)
Conan 13/Swordsman
Carter Lin : Mandricardo (Daw science fiction)
Horror Wears Blue (Dolphin Book)
Found Wanting (Daw science fiction, #633)
Dragonrouge (Furthur Adventures in Terra Magica, #2)
Down to a Sunless Sea
Kellory the Warlock (Dolphin Book)
Weird Tales No. 1
Weird Tales No. 4
As the Greed Star Rises
Conan the Barbarian