110 books • 11 series
Conan the Freebooter (Conan, #3)
Rivers of Time
The Pixilated Peerless
The Venom Trees of Sunga
The Enchanter Reborn
The Glory That Was
The Pixilated Peeress
The Swords of Zinjaban
Undesired Princess and the Enchanted Bunny
Divide Rule/Sword
The Conan Chronicles (The Conan chronicles)
Stones of Nomuru
Honorable Barbarian
The Complete Enchanter
Citadels of Myst
Intrepid Enchanter
The Incorporated Knight
Conan 14/Liberator (Liberator)
Day of the Dinosaur
Conan 13/Swordsman
Conan/Flame Knife
Best of L.S.de Camp
Conan and the Spider God (Conan) (Conan (Tor))
Conan 04/The Wanderer