6 books
Costa Rica-Panama Arbitration; Argument of Costa Rica Before the Arbitrator, Hon. Edward Douglass White, Chief Justice of the United States, Under the Provisions of the Convention Between the Republic of Costa Rica and the Volume 4
Reply to the Argument of Nicaragua on the Question of the Validity or Nullity of the Treaty of Limits of April 15, 1858; To Be Decided by the President of the United States of America, as Arbitrator
Costa Rica-Panama Arbitration Volume 2; Answer of Costa Rica to the Argument of Panama Before the Arbitrator, Hon. Edward Douglass White, Chief Justice of the United States, Under the Provisions of the Convention Between the Republic of Costa Rica and the
Argument on the Question of the Validity of the Treaty of Limits Between Costa Rica and Nicaragua and Other Supplementary Points Connected with It; Submitted to Arbitration of the President of the United States of America, Filed on Behalf of the Government
Informe Presentado Al Se or Ministro de Instruccion Publica
Replica Al Alegato de Nicaragua