45 books • 7 series
The Merrie Historie, of the Thrie Friers of Ber[wic]ke (1622)
The Life and Poems of William Dunbar (1860)
The Poems of William Dunbar (Volume 03)
The Poems of William Dunbar, Now First Collected. with Notes, and a Memoir of His Life. by David Laing Volume 1
Ancient Scottish Poems
The Poems of William Dunbar, Volume 3
The Poems of William Dunbar Volume 2
The Poems of William Dunbar Volume 1
The Poems of William Dunbar, Now First Collected. with Notes, and a Memoir of His Life (Volume 2)
The Life and Poems of William Dunbar
The Poems of William Dunbar, Now First Collected. with Notes, and a Memoir of His Life (Volume 1)
The Complete Works (TEAMS Middle English Texts)
William Dunbar (Fyfield Books)
The Poems of William Dunbar
Dunbar Revisited
London, Thou Art the Floure of Cities All (Pickpockets S.)
Selected Poems of Dunbar and Henryson (Scottish Classics S., #16)
India in Transition (The Washington Papers)
Selected Poems (Fyfield Books) (Akros Pocket Classics S., #4)
Poems (Clarendon Mediaeval & Tudor S.)