23 books • 17 series
English Costume in the Age of Elizabeth
English Costume of the Early Middle Ages
King Argimenes and the Unknown Warrior
The Golden Doom
The Lost Silk Hat
The Glittering Gate
Western European Costume 13th to 17th Century
The Twelve Pound Look
Shakespeare Two-Thousand
Performance One
Peter 'n' the Wolf
Diary of a Madman
Alice 'n' Wonderland (Wondrawhopper S.)
Aladdin 'n' His Magic Lamp
Jack 'n' the Beanstalk
Rapunzel 'n' the Witch
Rhyme Tyme
The Father (Dover Thrift Editions) (Crofts Classics) (Methuen Student Editions) (Set books) (Plays for Performance)
The Wizard of Oz
The Seagull (Plays) (Royal Court Writers) (Plays for Performance) (Library of Russian Classics S.) (Plays for Performance) (Methuen Theatre Classics)
Oedipus Rex (World Theatre Classics S.) (Oedipus Cycle, #1) (BCP Greek Texts) (Dover Thrift Editions) (Dover Thrift Editions) (Absolute Classics) (Dian Classical Texts: Greek Tragedy, v. 4)