Frances Ridley Havergal was a Christian devotional writer, poetess, hymn writer and musician who was born December 14, 1836, into a cultured, religious family at Astley, Worcestershire, England. She was the youngest child of William Henry Havergal, a Church of England minister and noted poet and church musician who authored about 100 hymns.At the age of 3, Miss Havergal could read; at the age of 4, she began reading and memorizing the Bible; at 7 she began writing verse. When she was eleven, her mother died after a long period of suffering.Miss Havergal was converted and committed her life to Christ in 1851, at the age of 14. She said, I committed my soul to the Savior ... earth and heaven seemed brighter from that moment; I did trust the Lord Jesus.Educated at home and in private schools in Worcester, England, and in Dusseldorf, Germany (1852-53), her scholastic achievements included proficiency in several modern languages, in addition to Latin, Greek, and Hebrew.Miss Havergal had a thorough training in linguistics and music and was a pianist and singer. She was also a devoted Bible student, memorizing the New Testament as well as the Psalms, Isaiah, and the Minor Prophets.Although highly educated and cultured, she maintained a simple faith and confidence in her Lord. She lived a disciplined prayer life and it is said that she never wrote a line without first praying over it.Frances Ridley Havergal died at Caswall Bay, Swansea, Wales, June 3, 1879, at the age of forty-two. She never married. On her tombstone at Astley, Worcestershire, is engraved her favorite text, 1 John 1:7-- The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.