111 books • 2 series
The Epistles of Jacob Behmen Aliter, Teutonicus Philosophus; Very Usefull and Necessary for Those That Read His Writings, and Are Very Full of
Die Lehre Des Deutschen Philosophen Jakob Bohme
Quarante Questions Sur L'Origine, L'Essence, L'Etre, La Nature Et La Propriete de L'Ame, Et Sur Ce Qu'elle Est D'Eternite En Eternite
Jakob Bohme's Sammtliche Werke, Erster Band
Personal Christianity, a Science
Jacob Bohme's Leben Und Lehre
The Remainder of Books Written by Jacob Behme, Viz. I. the First Apologie to Balthazar Tylcken II. the Second Apologie in Answer to Balthazar
Mysterium Magnum
Three Principles of the Divine Essence
The Aurora
'Key' of Jacob Boehme (Magnum opus hermetic sourceworks, #9)
Jacob Boehme
Discourse Between a Soul Hungry and Thirsty and a Soul Enlightened
Jacob Boehme's The Way to Christ.
Way to Christ (Classics of Western Spirituality)