36 books • 5 series
Pick a Pup / Elige un cachorro (Reading Stars Bilingual, #11)
A Good Pet / Una buena mascota (Reading Stars Bilingual, #9)
Una buena mascota (Reading Stars Spanish, #9)
Ese es mi Gatito (Reading Stars Spanish, #12)
Bug and the Bugs / Bicho y los bichos (Reading Stars Bilingual, #10)
Elige un cachorro (Reading Stars Spanish, #11)
Bicho y los bichos (Reading Stars Spanish, #10)
That is my Kitten / Ese es mi Gatito (Reading Stars Bilingual, #12)
Do Not Let the Cat In (Reading Stars)
The Princess and the Pea (Forever Fairy Tales)
This Day
Is Catty Fast?
Monsters Move = (Reading Stars)
Movimiento de Monstruos (Reading Stars)
The Lost Mermaid (Reading Stars)
If I had a Pig (Reading Stars)
Fox Needs Socks (Reading Stars)
That is My Kitten (Reading Stars)
Pick a Pup (Reading Stars)
Say Boo
Bug and the Bugs (Reading Star)
A Good Pet
Monsters Move