18 books • 5 series
Norman J. Ornstein is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and a contributing editor and columnist for National Journal and the Atlantic, with a column entitled Washington Inside Out.
One Nation After Trump
It's Even Worse Than It Looks
Vital Statistics on Congress 2008
Vital Statistics on Congress (Vital Statistics on Congress (Paperback)) (Vital Statistics on Congress (Hardcover))
Campaign Finance
Lessons and Legacies
Vital Statistics on Congress, 1995-96 (Vital Statistics on Congress (Hardcover))
Vital Statistics on Congress, 1993-94 (Vital Statistics on Congress (Hardcover))
Vital Statistics on Congress, 1993-1994 (Vital Statistics on Congress (Paperback))
Renewing Congress (Renewing Congress Project S.)
Debt and Taxes
Vital Statistics on Congress, 1991-1992 (Vital Statistics on Congress ) (Vital Statistics on Congress (Hardcover))
Vital Statistics on Congress 1990-1991 (Vital Statistics on Congress (Paperback))
Vital Statistics on Congress, 1989-1990
People, the Press and Politics
After the People Vote (AEI Studies, #542)
Congress in Change