26 books • 8 series
The Parma Ildefonsus
Language of Forms
Romanesque Architectural Sculpture
El Arte Moderno
Unity of Picasso's Art
Schapiro, Meyer: Painting,drawing and
Estudios Sobre El Romanico
Meyer Schapiro Worldview in Painting (Selected papers, v. 5)
Theory and Philosophy of Art (Selected papers, v. 4)
Estudios Sobre El Arte de La Antiguedad Tardi
Words, Script and Pictures
Van Gogh (Abradale)
Cezanne (Masters of Art S.)
Sculpture of Moissac
Van Gogh (Masters of Art)
Words and Pictures (Approaches to Semiotics/Paperback, #11)
Late Antique, Early Christian and Mediaeval Art (Selected papers, Vol 3)
Vincent Van Gogh
Late Antique, Early Christian and Medieval Art
Modern Art (His Selected Papers (George Braziller), #2) (Peregrine Books) (Selected papers, Vol 2)
Modern Art, 19th & 20th Centuries (Braziller Series of Poetry, #2)
Romanesque Art (Selected papers, Vol 1)