16 books
Philosophical Rules Or Canons Concerning The Philosopher's Stone
A Dedicatory Address Concerning the Philosopher's Stone
Man the Best and Most Perfect of God's Creatures
A Short Admonition To The True Hearted Reader And Son Of The Alchemical Doctrine - Pamphlet
Corollary Concerning Hyle And The Philosopher's Stone - Pamphlet
Certain Verses Of An Unknown Writer Concerning The Great Work Of The Alchemical Tincture - Pamphlet
Secrets Of The Alchemical Salts - Pamphlet
Concerning the True Medicine of the Most Distinguished Man, Alexander Von Suchten
Secrets of the Alchemical Salts
A Short Admonition to the True Hearted Reader and Son of the Alchemical Doctrine
Certain Verses of an Unknown Writer Concerning the Great Work of the Alchemical Tincture
Corollary Concerning Hyle and the Philosopher's Stone
The Four Alchemical Degrees in the Regimen of Fire
Concerning the Potable Gold of Paracelsus
A Golden and Blessed Casket of Nature's Marvels