Born and raised in the United Kingdom, Bryony is Caucasian. She is married to a man of Caribbean descent and they have three biracial sons. During the quarter of a century she has been with her partner, she can count on the fingers of one hand the number of times they have encountered racism as a result of their union. She feels incredibly positive about raising three mixed kids, each of whom is happy and comfortable in his skin. Bryony is the co-author of a number of celebrity biographies and ghostwritten novels with Lucy Ellis. Together they have been called "professional storytellers" by The Guardian, "very professional" by Film Review, "immensely readable" by The Beat Goes On, "detailed" by Sunday Express and "insightful" by OK! Magazine. Now working primarily as an editor, she specializes in memoirs, how-tos and what she describes as, "fiction...with a twist."
Sep 7, 2015
Cover of Being Biracial

Being Biracial

Sep 30, 2004
Cover of Uma Thurman

Uma Thurman

Nov 1, 2003
Cover of Drew Barrymore

Drew Barrymore

Sep 25, 2003
Cover of Julie Walters

Julie Walters

Aug 5, 2002
Cover of Nicole Kidman

Nicole Kidman

Jun 11, 2002
Cover of Annie Lennox

Annie Lennox

May 7, 2002
Cover of Kylie


Oct 2, 2001
Cover of Diva


May 1, 2000
Cover of Tom Jones

Tom Jones