83 books • 3 series
Police Procedurals
May You Rest In Pieces, Mihael Stern
God In a Wire
The Curse of Robotic Movement (The Curse Of...)
The Curse of Stand-up Hair (The Curse Of...)
The (Secret) Ransoms Around King Tut
The Drackenmire Ghouls Get Art Smart and the Drackenmire Ghouls Off a UFO (The Drackenmire Ghouls)
Nothing Is What It Seems
"Another Day In Surpryze Park" and Four Other (Almost) No Talk Stories
Mixed Doubles At Mega-Mega
A Young Ogre's Song-filled Adventure
Santa's Elf Hall of Fame II
Down the Chimney They Came
Bits & Pieces TV Skit Show
Sloppy Copy
Dirty Nests
The Witch's Assistant
A Princess, a Pauper, and a Frog Named Fred
Mistress Pleasing Calls a Unicorn
Santa's Elf Hall of Fame
Orphan Books
Hell Hath Frozen Over
A Primer On Word Twitchery
"Family Fake-Out" and Other Stories