If gallivanting around the world, eating to excess without consequence, and booping dogs was a career path, Alex would have picked that. In the absence of such a choice, she can usually be found polishing Benny's rough drafts, plying her trade as a pastry chef, or taking a year off here and there to answer the call of her wanderlust. If broken down into her base elements, she would be composed of 50% song lyrics, movie quotes, and dessert recipes, 25% sarcasm and disdain, 14% unwilling compromise, 10% spite, and 1% insistence that Oxford commas are necessary.
Nov 1, 2007
Cover of Lower Regions

Lower Regions

Aug 23, 2005
Cover of Tricked


Dec 14, 2003
Cover of BOP!


Oct 31, 2002
Cover of Sydney

Sydney (Travel)

Sep 22, 2001
Cover of Idle Transport

Idle Transport