37 books • 3 series
Autobiography of Miss Cornelia Knight (Volume 2); Lady Companion to the Princess Charlotte of Wales, with Extracts from Her Journals and Anecdote Books
Description of Latium
Marcus Flaminius
Marcus Flaminius; Or, a View of the Military, Political, and Social Life of the Romans
Sir Guy de Lusignan
Sir Guy de Lusignan (Volume 2); A Tale of Italy
Sir Guy de Lusignan (Volume 1); A Tale of Italy
Personal Reminiscences
Autobiography of Miss Cornelia Knight, Lady Companion to the Princess Charlotte of Wales
Marcus Flaminius; Or, a View of the Military, Political, and Social Life of the Romans, Volume II
Autobiography of Miss Cornelia Knight, Lady Companion to the Princess Charlotte of Wales, Volume II
Dinarbas A Tale; Being a Continuation of Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia (Medieval Texts and Studies, #2)