40 books • 4 series
Death's Jest-Book; Or, the Fool's Tragedy
Poems by the Late Thomas Lovell Beddoes, Author of Death's Jest-Book or the Fool's Tragedy
Poetical Works Edited with a Memoir (Volume 2)
Poetical Works Edited with a Memoir Volume 1
The Poetical Works of Thomas Lovell Beddoes (Volume 2)
The Poetical Works of Thomas Lovell Beddoes, Volume 1
The Poems, Posthumous and Collected
Deaths Jest-Book (Fyfield Books)
Selected Poems of Thomas Hood, Winthrop Mackworth Praed and Thomas Lovell Beddoes (Selected English poets)
Selected Poems of Beddoes, Praed and Hood
Selected Poetry
The Brides' Tragedy (Revolution & Romanticism S., 1789-1834)
Resurrection Songs
The Works of Thomas Lovell Beddoes
Selected Poems (Fyfield Books)
The Letters of Thomas Lovell Beddoes (Anglistica & Americana S., #142)